Private Landlords a range of premium services within
a manageable budget.
Landlord Cover
Our Total Landlord Solution Packages, which has been designed especially for private landlords, provide total peace of mind ensuring your legal obligations for Gas and Electrical testing are being met. In addition we provide a service for tenants, available 24/7, so they are able to contact us directly when they have a problem with their heating or electrical services.
If you are interested or would like to find out more contact our team or select one of the options below.

Landlord Premier Gas
Includes an annual landlord gas safety record & boiler service with the additional assurance that parts & labour are included if a repair is required at any time.
£17.50 extra/month
- Landlord Gas Safety Record
- Annual Boiler Service
- Unlimited Call-Outs
- Parts & labour
- Pump Repairs
- Controls, Thermostat & Clock Repairs
- Boiler Electrical Fault Repairs
- Central Heating Pipework Repairs
- Radiator Repairs & Replacement

Landlord Premier Electrical
is designed for all electrical properties and includes an EICR (at survey & repeated every 5 years) plus parts & labour if a repair is required at any time
£17.50 extra/month
- Unlimited Call-Outs
- Parts & labour
- Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
- Standard White finish Electrical Accessories
- Electrical Breakdown Repairs
- Electrical Heating, Radiator/ Storage Heater Repairs
Upgrade to
Landlord Premier +
to include plumbing in this package.
£7.00 extra/month
Terms & Conditions Apply

Landlord Ultimate
The Landlord Ultimate package is an enhanced package for both your Gas & Electrical services, including an annual LGSR & EICR testing certification.
- All the benefits of the Landlord Premier Gas package
- All the benefits of the Landlord Premier Electrical package
- Callouts
- Electrical Immersion Heater Repairs
Upgrade to
Landlord Premier +
to include plumbing in this package.
£7.00 extra/month
Terms & Conditions Apply
*Published prices relate to local properties, terms and conditions apply.